Limping along the Pock marked road . (He hasn't called it -running- Many a year) -- Hardly sees
To where the broken tree Is a dying image Of a yesterday Ain't never gonna be seen again -- Hasn't seen another runner for quite some time Just a few corpses dragged to the side By some hungry critter of some kind . ( he ain't got a clue about how they died) -- Thinks they mighta been Shot from the sky -- Not sure by whom Not sure why -- Thinks he is The one in the lead On an endless course What does that mean? -- A race with no Starting Nor Finishing line ---- ---- Don't think there's anyone up ahead Don't think there's any one behind --- Keep on movin Is All he knows -- Limping by the corpses On the side of the road Though he really ain't seen one For quite awhile -- Limping along the Pock marked road - --ain't been running-- But on he goes -- Just keeps movin -- (It's all he knows ) -- Not movin -- fast Not movin --slow -- Just keeps limping Thru the endlessness -- Just a limping The pock marked road