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Apr 2013
A beautiful flower, preserved
never given a change to grow
secreted away, by one who
says his reason is love

Allowed freedom of the house
as long as she’s silent
dreaming of the outside world
locked away, if visitors arrive

Everything fine until she was eleven
he looked at her differently
whispered “my, how you’ve grown”
and swore to protect her

He smashed ever mirror
left her one, cracked
just like his mind
she’s long since given up reaching

She sits at the window
gazing at the sky, pen poised
this is her escape
what keeps her sane

today no words will come
she’s utterly heartbroken
what else is there for her
can’t see any way out

Her mother was a beauty
departed this world long ago
she envies her, her release
and longs to see her again

She takes the tablets slowly
relishing the dryness of each one
penning her goodbye, drifting away
he got his way, she’s forever young
Written by
Susan O'Reilly  F/Ireland
   Kate and ---
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