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Apr 2013
You remember that reunion party at your place, right? You remember that Truth & Dare game all of the folks present there played, right? You remember that lipstick dare you imposed on me, right?
If your intentions had been true as a friend then you would not have made fun of me in front of everybody by passing comments about me in the reunion party that you organized at your place. They are something which I remember very clearly. You made a broad grin with your mean lips which was more of a smirk and you said the following words.
'Atul, what to mention of him! One (girl) goes to make way for another (sniggering), he knows how to keep himself entertained.'

And the most hurtful comment passed by you:
'Atul just tell me your choice out of these girls here (gesturing with your left arm towards your left where the girls were seated), I'll ask her to spend a night with you (sniggering), I know you're not this cheapskate - just kidding (you added this after you saw my face had converted from a smile to a grimace).' And your best comment (your attempt to cover-up that just fails to convince me) 'Atul I have just one request for you, just leave your habit of flirting, rest you've the personality, any girl could fall for you.' (Till now everybody is having a good laugh and I'm the laughing stock) I later rise up and leave you pretend to dog me intending to stop me from going.

What the hell did you intend to show here in these three stylish over made-up comments!

I don't think you've even known me properly in these 10 years - my bad luck that the -friend- who I trusted the most said a group of dialogues which sought to make fun of me and lifting him higher in the eyes of the other - friends as they used to call themselves & even I used to consider them as - present there at your place around a month back.

Probably you sought to gain some sheen upon yourself by making the foul slush that you prepared out of the dust of your insults thrown at me
Perhaps you forgot to gaze under your own cuffs for double checking about the false prestige that you hold about yourself. I don't flirt.

You just slaughtered the friend inside me with these comments and now you seek redemption. I'm so disappointed with the concept of friendship in the real world - because it hurts. Thanks for showing me your true caliber, your true color. Now you should just be happy the way you want, boy. You'll never grow up, take it from me.

Sorry I can't forgive you for the words seared right through my heart drilling several perforations at once in the roof of trust which I possessed for you. How long would I keep my trust being betrayed? I don't need friends (so-called) like you, mister.
Unluckily I have to utter these words of disappointment, distrust & disjoinment which one of my earlier friends invited a few weeks back. But he himself only had passed these defamatory remarks a few days back. The only thing I wanna tell is - I don't flirt.
And I'm not the kind of ever-forgiving God.
My HP Poem #181
© Atul Kaushal
Written by
Àŧùl  33/M/Gòràkhpùr - Bháràŧ
(33/M/Gòràkhpùr - Bháràŧ)   
     Àŧùl and Emily Tyler
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