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Apr 2013
Am not going to run after you,
I deserve more than that.
I want someone that feels lucky
To have me around them.
You don't call me, you don't text.
All you do is watch me pace.
Wearing myself out trying to meet you
Somewhere between you and I.
Why don't you tell me now,
This isn't what you want.
I can feel it even now,
You're slipping away, weren't even mine.

Why did you lure me in?
Spinning promises and paradise.
You could have saved us the time
Taken to hurt each other.
Actually am the one that got hurt,
You were quietly indifferent.
Seeming to be happy even as i walked away.
It wasn't meant to careen out of control
But it did
And now am broken.

If you ever had a heart, leave.
To save me from insanity.
I hate what you have become.
Pain and anguish to my soul.
Walk out that door,
Don't ever come back.
I can't bring myself to walk away,
So please leave.
Written by
Mia  F/Paris
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