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Apr 2013
she                                                                           watched curlicues of sweeping clouds, and
        loved                                                            ­    how they painted the sky like van Gogh
                   the                                                         Line of smudged charcoal smoke severed the
                         (sky)                               ­                 blue bodies apart.
                                   when                   ­                  The wind stroked her face.  
                                               it        ­                        was cold and woke her up.
                                                     spilled                  Synapse after synapse
                                                         ­        onto         Dream after dream.
                                                                ­        the surface of the sun,
                                                                ­                                 when it was almost, but not quite,
                                                                ­         drowned by the sea
                                                                ­                  = the most visible feeling she had seen.
Toying with words.
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