New York City has just published the Doomsday Book. Highlights include:
* They will ration life saving medicine. Sarah was right. They have convened the death panels.
* They will enforce quarantines. They will separate the infected from the unaffected; hoping the infection of fascism spreads into the mind of the entire body politic.
* They plan the destruction of domestic animals. Even little Joey's Teddy Bear will not be spared. As we speak, its furry head lays upon their guillotines of justice.
* They will seize property. The thieves running the county are carefully planning a final plunder.
* They will search our homes. They see us living in our glass cages. There is nothing left to monitor; but we will all be compelled to make daily entries into our Facebook accounts.
John Q Public believes these measures are good. The terrorists frighten his banal imagination. His sound reasoning likes the idea of another brick for our prisons of fear, another bar to strengthen our cages of *******.
Music Selection: Rory Gallagher, Walk on Hot Coals