Welcome everyone To the manifestation of my final cry I beg you to care one last time For today is my final try
Can you even see? There still exists a little stain called Me Ready for a fight that never came, Caught in my own trap when you left
Oh, my heart, look in my eyes today So that they can be proud during their closing, Knowing they were defeated by perfection
Oh, my soul, let my eardrums hear your voice Before you walk away, making me believe in my choice Drowned by the music I was never destined to hear
Oh, my life, give up on me once and for all This time I surrender, it’s time to answer the call With details from beyond
Late tonight, When my eyes meet your face once more Then, I plead you, cut my anchor And send me along the endless shore
Kissed by death so many times Well, today I’m kissing it back Although, even then I won’t be free For your existence will drag me from the grave; Can I really abandon the one I need to save?
Okay, you can stop sighing now, I’m pulling the plug, Retracting my wings Maybe one day I’ll be acknowledged By the church bell’s rings