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Jan 2020
Each new love a string tied to my heart.
Those strings stained, darkened with blood
The shiny fishing line gouging deeply
Cutting into the muscle, absorbed into it.
that shiny silver subsumed by rich, dark red.
Sometimes the sniping of a heart string
is agony.
The connection a shadow of once was,
Paraumbilical veins that cling
Pouring blood.
Pain – a low growl in the throat
The lightest touch a shooting pain
dulls to a grimacing twinge.
Finally gritting my teeth
Making that final, hard slice
an exhalation of relief.
It’s finished.
The pain well remembered.
Already a new thread between my fingers
A shock. A gift.
Disbelief it is mine to hold.
A careful winding round
No strangulation
A snug squeeze, comforting.
Warmth seeping in.
A slow washing over
Silver tinted a deepening pink.
The line pressed close
Encouraging the muscle to take it.
The entwining already begun.
Written by
Allyvia  23/Cisgender Female
(23/Cisgender Female)   
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