Sometimes I just don't give a ****. Half tempted to cut. Forguve me to the people who care. But to be honest I'm not fully there. My head is just spinning. Anxiety is winning. Where do i go? What should I do? I'm devastated and I've got no clue. So I was able to eat normal today. Got anxious as **** but I swam over this wave. I'm not about to go drowning My heart aches and it's just pounding. What to say? I'm over it anyway. I am Nel I'm ready to fight against hell Learning all by myself Don't talk to me like you know me Just let me be One day I'll be fine For now I'm not necessarily alright Don't mean I'm a be a ***** Why you two facing me and why you being a snitch? Not like I got **** to hide Just wasn't ready to open up and yet surprise Thank you past You've always managed to throw knive at my back I'm not about ready to react I'm a walk up this dark street and rush the depression trying to fight me Fights in ***** I'm not about to lose to you and anxiety