SHIVA (Bijoylakshmi Das) The silence of night scares you With its eerie thoughts Ever azar with doors wide open To give vent to unrestrained dreams, Never letting you to rise above The mundane laws of existence. Do you ever think of SHIVA The eternal principle of the Sublime? Sitting alone on the peaks of the Himalayan silence, Speaking to you in His divine muse- Of ineffable ecstasy. The body is not all. That obeys the physical laws, The mind is not all. That listens to odd yearnings. And the spirit too is not your limit. You have to go beyond Far beyond life's petty limitations To reach Truth, Consciousness and Bliss. SHIVA, the enlightened. Which translates human dialects Into an indefinable divine hieroglyphic. SHIVA, the Supreme Creates the Universe, Rules it too, Annihilates when Harmony loses its identity. The universal principle of Love Gets bewildered in empirical rules of earthly existence, And Spirit fails to rise above, SHIVA opens His Third Eye, In its piercing gaze All lights fade and The fugitive human mind finds no sojourn He warns you. Arise, awake To reach your goal Beyond the earthly ken. (Bijoylakshmi Das Haridwar)