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Jan 2020
Your imperfections got me messed up
And you look so perfect even without makeup
Eyes made me mesme- mesmerize
its so hazey dazey baby
My head went dizzy dazzy crazy
Everytime you make eye contact

Shine upon my nightmares
Because im blinded;
You're the daydream
That I've always wanted
You're the tv drama
That I'll always wait
Weekly, monthly, and yearly

Twen to the ty four to the seven
Just like seven eleven
Twenty four/seven
Sometimes I look at you
To remind myself that theres really heaven
Oh heavens here we go again
An angel passed by
And I'm blessed that it was you again

Soy amante
No soy bueno en espaΓ±ol
I'll be patient to learn spanish
Just to tell you how I love you
In a different language
I used the word jinji because thats the name od my friends dog which is really precious to her so,,,, and jinji for the girl i really love who is precious to me

The girl i love = jinji = precious
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