I placed an order with my brain to refrain from seeking out childish pavbacks Stop believing I can walk through life without my leaving any tracks always resist the need to prove your thoughts are actually facts visual eyes how easily we turn blind our mind to accept not -as it distracts so half-empty or half-full matters not if oblivious to that glass and all the cracks you can pour forevermore in a futile effort feigning ignorance to all that your life lacks by lording over those without do you gain a measure of pleasure as empty sacks it doesn't raise your value near as much as the doubts in the eyes it often attracts so to reside inside a pristine facade built to avoid seeing your life and all it impacts your core ... ... when more concern is placed upon you by way of how a stranger reacts is the incalculably high price soon paid by the actor inside who believes that their life is perfect and we are the critics. bent on ..... personal attacks.