Poetry is about lovers and love,...
What about peace, and doves?
Okay, those things too can be included, I guess,
Well then you must consider, I digress, God.
What, why?
The Lover of our souls, o my o my,
Alright, if I have this right, my friend, Praetor,
with your military and knowledge of law,
you believe in a God other than Caesar?
Caesar is the god to Romans, but no man is
god unto himself, no man, therefore no Roman
can know all, so there has to be a God,
we don't know and to remain a mystery
this God must be the most powerful of
all time...and the most powerful among
us falls in love at least once, so this God
must wield love like the most highly
trained warrior, so...
Love plus Time plus the mystery equal God?
great equation
That should do it, now leave me while I wait
on him... or is it Him, or... just leave me to
my meditation.