If every night was like last night, I would never wish for heaven for in my dreams you brought heaven for me.
You gave me a smile I waited thousand years to have when you held my hand like we were saying goodbye and you didn't wanna let go
We walked shoulder to shoulder in company of each other, we could afford a train but we wanted our feet to feel warm on the soft pebbles planted in our paths . I call them pearls of love
Your smile and beauty carried me away each moment and I could freeze and forget the lines and words you said seconds back .
I was living my dream life like it was my wedding day and then that kiss that reached for my lips gave it a fairytale happy ending before my alarm clock rang and woke me up from my dream. I believe this dream was telling me something , to let my heart follow you.
I will give it to you like I did the first day we met but please don't break it