When you are abandoned, Listen with your whole heart to the mighty rushing wind When you are rejected Watch the falling rain drops descend from stormy skies When you feel alone Dip your hand into the coolness of the babbling brook When you are shattered Walk on soft earth and lay your hand on rough solid granite Let the pounding surf, rolling waves remind you where you came from Let the moon and stars tell you tales of your eternal home The sun does not cease to share its rays to warm your countenance Broken, bruised, battered, barren The flame will speak your name Calling you a treasure in an earthen vessel But like any precious metal You have impurities Molten smelting required Before the revealing of... Your glory
If I am honest with myself, it hurts to grow. It often takes pain to motivate me to change and to see the patterns I become comfortable with are no longer working. Cutting away familiar and comforting habits that are unhealthy still wounds and bleeds. Emotions that I have hidden, don't really go away when I won't face them