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Apr 2013
Late at night while the world sleeps
Except for the night owls, workers, and creeps
I lay in my bed with tears on my cheek
The terror sets in and I cannot speak
The same familiar footsteps that I heard before
Are ever so close, just inside the door

Though I pray and I beg there is no relief
I just lay there and listen, my heart filled with grief
The footsteps continue and I hear the door
He shuts it behind him and I hear no more

Have I done something to cause all of this
When he is gone what will I miss
Not jewels nor gold or things will he take
Though the mark he will leave is only heartbreak

For the fears that I have are not normal you see
It's not an intruder but love leaving me
Deniece Long
Written by
Deniece Long  Tennessee
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