Loneliness often comes with depression tagging along as they conspire to completely unwire the security systems Within...
Their bag of tricks has within its mix what it needs to affix unconcerned with whom it afflicts or those it restricts by Monumental repercussions
turning any or all minor discussions into a world of hurt where all involved try to skirt.. the edge that is crumbling beneath those suddenly so clumsy feet until that ring.. ..so tentatively held is abruptly dispelled Bringing all involved - nothing solved To a mind shattering halt With none at fault
Just a slip a loss of grip to fend for themselves as they each reach out To clasp onto with an anchoring grasp
Desperate to pull themselves up and out where they will gasp and often weep While looking on is loneliness and depression
Patiently waiting for the outcome to provide new clients As sadly they have come to a reliance on us when our stubborn Pride Undenied ..yet set aside
When we abandoned those in need in order to succeed In saving ourselves....