Are you ready for a getaway? Then step this way We will be taking a journey through the open highway beyond your expectations But the mission will be appreciation So welcome aboard Recline back and relax This coach is specifically prepared for you As for the destination unknown being anywhere We don’t want to be square Observe seeing the fallen snow Let’s hope for no snowstorm as we don’t want to be stuck you know Don’t be surprised if we run into Frosty as that would be a show So as we continue to journey, observe the town people decorating and singing Carols to their hearts content In these moments, time just went But it was all Heaven sent Watch the Deer’s as they pull all the sleighs It’s merrily all the way Look at that, all the Christmas trees flashing their Christmas assortment lights, and a big Happy Holidays shoots out from the star at the top as we pass by Did you see what I saw? It looked like Santa and the Reindeers, but you know what, it was actually that Santa is flying low on the side of our bus and saying, “Good Cheers Mates and Happy Holidays” Well look at this, snow is starting to fall again What a way to start the holidays Our holiday bus adventure has come to an end Now the holiday season can officially begin Enjoy your holidays with family and make it a treat Happy rolling wheels and buses bring to life the holidays that’s unreal.