Come on rain Just enough rain To put out the fires Which is sending the smoke Which is forcing us to smell it Ommmmmm come on rain come on rain Ommmmmm put out the fire Don’t make too many people suffer Let people enjoy their lives Ommmmmmm put out the fires That are crowding eastern Australia with a puff of smoke Ommmmmmm don’t make people lose the memories no don’t Ommmmmmm Christmas is coming It will be hard to spend Christmas away from their humble abode Ommmmmmm and the teenagers who want to go to the coast with their friends Ommmmmmm please put out the fires Let the eastern side of Australia breathe easy please please please Put out the fires please Ommmmmmm bring on the rain When the fires when the fires Are burning we need some rain Because if the fires keep burning Keep burning more properties will really burn But ommmmmmm when you pray for some rain you pray harder To make it heavy and last long enough to get rid of the fire and the smoke that goes with it Ommmmmmm rain rain come today Put out the fires which are really going astray rain rain please send them heaps so it would put out the fires oh yeah