if the clouds had eyes, would they ever see you? would you show them both everything you’ve been through? if the sky could speak, would you even hear it? would you speak in turn, only with your Spirit? if The Sun came now, would you catch a fever? would your Soul burn red — follow the deceivers? if The Truth had Hands, would you long to hold Them?
“would you lay yours down? I will make them Golden!”
“И введу эту третью часть в огонь, и расплавлю их, как плавят серебро, и очищу их, как очищают золото: они будут призывать имя Мое, и Я услышу их и скажу: «это Мой народ», и они скажут: «Господь — Бог мой!»” Книга пророка Захарии 13:9