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Apr 2013
Let you go
Let you go
That's what I'll do
You've let me go
And now I must
Do the same,
That's the game,
Rain into dust
Dreams I cannot sow
Leave it all behind in blue
Let you go
Let you go
I must forget you now
Even if I don't know how,
The fork in our road
Has only time borrowed
That we must fade
Like mud in the Everglade,
The grass will grow over
All our tracks, nothing left to savor,
Gum gone bland
Like dry dry sand,
Let you go
Let you go
My mind may forget
But my heart won't let
The ache get better
I'll never need a dredger...
© okpoet
Nestor David Armas
Written by
Nestor David Armas  37/M/OC
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