Ah! T'is passioned feeling is far too strange but too capricious like a nearby Grange. And as it groweth, so every day It swelleth more white and sweet t'an t'ey. Refining thy stories on my page Like a humble bird hanging in one's cage. Or crafting thee in my poetry So t'at thy joy remaineth by me. T'ere at my feet shalt thou be laid, of purest Alabaster made; Like pale chords sung in a queer haze and of fine purple t'reads of taste.
Find it, my love, awestruck before very thine Eyes and marv'l at it behind such lies. 'Till my fierce heart thou leaveth despaired and laid still against crimson stairs. Of honesty hath with greed it sworn For all pride and cleanness since it was born. Scents of mad sweat, grey stains of blood; two natures t'at flourish apart. O, revel, revel just once more my soul! Alt'ough w'ose dreams might be as murky and foul Upon our Roses t'ey would dare to feed; until t'eir evil lips ev'n seem'd to bleed.
Under th' breeze of our morns Our planet of love was oft'ntimes torn. Venturing to find thee, thou th' light my heart wants To faint in thy light, on a bed of daffodil sky Along th' excited moors, thou th' beat for it ever yearns And to be slayed in thy eyes, before I end and die. For in death our grief be lightened; and shalt; t'is pertaining love be brightened. But found thee I not, and thus shrank and wailed As one soulful music t'at might hath failed I hate t'is eternal raucous spring and all th' rampage its tears are bound to sing.
Fie, fie, o my poor heart and regret; For thou shalt know not t'ese trusts I shed. Ah! How credulous t'ose tunes-violin and trumpet, and innocent and brisk as thy cheeks went red. Life is caring but full of random jests; and within which floweth by; our demure river of tests. Light, light t'at t'ose heavens should bear and carry Whilst teasing us with all its grimness and worry. Oh! Peace and doom and love are grey Like t'is rhythm was sometimes found too strong to say; Clap, clap, to th' dance which forth t'ey didst In a horror of mirth, but in all too defiant a merry wit.
O my love, but once more giveth to me a life from only thy sincerest breath; And render all t'ese ages sweet and mad Sending our hearts just at once leap and fret meanwhile as immortal and brief as death. But I shalt die not, for t'ere is more love; To life in death t'an whatever t'ere was Spilt t'ereby stunningly for me, under t'ose keen nightly groves; And in its eternal life should last Teach me how to fight t'ese undying wrongs of loving thee; as be writt'n in our dear songs.