It was such a strange thing as a young boy To make your way with an eye to the future To think about adulthood with the eyes of a child And to set a path without knowing the cost
And the way life makes these choices more stark Like when you bury your father as a teenager Decide to put on a uniform before you can drink Sent to war before you know yourself truly
You suffer through a limbo of loneliness and haze Numb your pain with the medicine they give you Promise that you are okay and couldn’t be better Just in the process of healing but falling deeper
Pick yourself up and brush yourself off Start a new life in the family you always knew Pretend you have it all figured out now And start that family you wanted from day one
Plunge into something you swore was right Take your vow and shut your mouth Turn off the voice that says it’s not Enter into a state of stasis devoid of passion
From your greatest mistake your greatest gift A little girl who is too much all her own But not free of the mistakes you already made Now sentenced to a life you never wanted for her
The death of a love you swore to uphold Ripped from your fingers and no chance to hold The betrayal from the one you didn’t trust fully Setting you on a road all your own again
Took 37 years to find the one you thought Now dust yourself and start all over Add another perfect soul to the ledger Because it’s all a waste if she’s not loved