So you think your life is in ashes And there is no way out You thought about splashing From the bridge of doubt
It's easy to hide from your fears It takes real courage to stand up And to fight for what is clear You just have to make your own luck
We are alive and we are here Our decisions is what we hold dear Sometimes they are bad and severe But we move on and learn to steer
It's easy to fall back into the wrong The hard part is staying away from it all Your conscience knew it all along But your mind didn't make the right call
We can build ourselves back to elevation For we can be our own inspiration Who we need can't be any clearer They're looking back at you in the mirror
Maybe you don't believe in destiny Could be you don't believe in yourself In one shining moment you will find clarity Then you'll encounter your prosperity
So your life is not in ashes It can be rebuilt only for you You may have to take some chances But a fire can be built that burns true
In your heart you know it's there And it's true that life's not fair But don't let ashes extinguish your flame Be a Phoenix and rise from what remains