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Nov 2019
The Thanksgiving Feast
It will be a holiday at least
The Turkey shall be put into the Oven
It will be glazed in flavor, but won’t be toughen
However, there may not be a Turkey this year
Turkeys are in a protest mode, and have stolen Turkeys from every kitchen
Turkeys are determined in not being eaten
When did this all happen?
How were the Turkeys able to pull off this caper?
No one was manning the kitchens within the houses
The Turkeys have taken their protest to the streets
All households are at a stance of hold that they have loss
Even though they are the multitudes have no force
Well the battle is between the Knives and Forks with the Turkeys
Care of wager on who would win
But how would the Pilgrims and Indians handle this situation?
Simple, β€œAfter those Turkeys”
Perhaps that is the approach the households will have to take
After all, what other meat within any household would want to make?
We are talking tradition
All I can say is have those Knives and Forks ready and go get that Turkey
Turkeys run today, but there will be a turnaround in every way.
Written by
preservationman  New York City
(New York City)   
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