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Nov 2019
Take me back
To the lovely days

Days you didn't fuss
Over my reaction
To your reaction
Days you didn't over analyze
My words and my actions
Days you didn't expect anything
Days you gave without expecting
Days you called only when needed
Days you didn't agonize over missed calls
Days you didn't jump
On my name in your call screen
Days you didn't stress
over how you looked to me
Days you were confident in your dress
Days you didn't value my opinion
Over your own self worth
Days you didn't let me
Define your mood that day
Days you didn't let my reply
Dig a hole in your heart
Days you weren't obsessed
With the idea of me

Because if you really knew me well
You wouldn't want me.
If he were to write that letter...
Written by
Naomie  25/F/Kenya
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