If you dig six feet deep into the ground You'll find a little, devil's child When you pick it up, out of the hole Even the soil around it will heave a sigh
The infant's deadly silence Will start to unnerve you So will its rugged skin That's midnight black and blue You will wonder how it came to be And you will look at all the sand surrounding
Wait, sand? Wasn't it soil on the ground? No you're in a desert with no one around What about that thing in your hands? You look down and there's sludge Dripping down your fingertips
Now you've lost all your hands and legs Now you've just faded into a ghost Now you never existed in the first place What is happening, where did I go, you ask? Well you are a figment of my mind, you see
I will mold you, crush you, shape you to my heart's content In my mind there is no reality or gravity It's twisted, gnarled and not right YOU: you are purely a thought of mine And that child: part of my imagination And now that you have read this here