Sometimes I feel so sad and I don’t know why My life has gotten better and theres clearly people who have it worse than me So why can’’t I just appreciate what I have? Why do I have to be so angry and mean and sad all the time? Why can’t I just love myself so others can love me back? I want someone to love me The way people in old films love each other The way Jack sacrificed himself letting Rose set on the door while he froze I don’t know who I’m attracted to When it comes down to it, *** doesn’t matter to me I just want someone to hold me in their arms and tell me it’ll be okay until it is I want someone to be there when I cry and tell me it’s alright I want someone to care, and I’ll do anything, be anything to have that happen I don’t care what I have to do, as long as I stop feeling empty and hallow Why can other girls be happy and in love, but I can’t? I fall in love fast, and I stay in love for a long time I’m devoted and clearly available So why not me? I just want someone to be with me To hold me until I can hold myself together But I know why no one will Because I’m a freak If love is so easy Why isn’t it easy for me?