There’s nothing to be said But so much I wanted to scream Angry, punching walls Breaking down the doors that separated her from the outside world She was crazy It was getting harder to breathe Under the water, trapped in a small room getting smaller You felt like you were going to explode All the things you wanted to say stuck inside your brain like a melody But only nonsense spilled out onto the carpeted floor He’s angry But you didn’t say anything He screams at you to speak But your eyes are glued to the floor And your lips stuck shut You’re shaking But he can’t see that He’s staring at the reflection of himself in your eyes But for some reason he can’t see how terrifying and unreasonabele he is She can see everything around her start to move Shaky, dizzy Suddenly she’s on the ground The sky spinning above her She’s never felt like this before So out of control Crazy You can hear the voices of people But you don’t see anything You look around But it is only you Like it always was Breath in shallow gasps I turn around He’s gone