The past was brutal Failed relationships countless times Failed attempts at ending my life Mother who abandoned me I mean who the hell does that **** She wasn't meant to be a mother
The present is just as worst Distant relationships with the closest of family Resentment for everybody who ever told me ******* cliches Maturing too fast that it's unpleasant and unbearable No one can understand me anymore The sad part is that a future is almost unlikely
The future still unclear I don't think I can salvage one But I made the plans to go far And I will take each step with a delicate caution Till that one step that sends me to oblivion Everything is just a blur
The past, the present, the future What each and any holds for me Is still quite unknown And there is nobody to guide me anymore Its all my fault because I pushed them all away So whatever may happens I deserve it Even if that may be more misery or death