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Mar 2013
What a sorry sight we are
Our faces are pale
Hair is ***** and matted
The "clothes" we wear are rags sewn together
We eat what the rats leave
The scars on our arms are memories
Of what we left for this
We were scorned and persecuted
Because we were wrapped in light
Now we can't escape darkness
Our smiles were slapped off of our faces
The best we can do is paint them back on
They replaced our crowns with thorns
And we let them!
We were mocked for respecting our Father
So we ran away from home
We were fearless
But now we cower from our own shadows
We **** our dreams and devour their wings
We're monsters who once were knights
And yet our Father still holds His arms wide open
He wants us to come home
But our own thoughts hold us back
It's not our tormentors' fault anymore
They can't stop us from leaving
But we think they can
So we grit our teeth
As the b;ade greets us
Crimson tears blur our vision
Of our loving Father
Raquel Groves 2013Β© Copyrite protected
Rocky G
Written by
Rocky G
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