time passes by, an hour wasted, an hour I never get back........wasted inside some kind of spiral of depression and fantasy. I'll watch my life and feelings slip away to nothing as the music I once loved fills my ears with distorted sound that I once loved and sung along to. it's steady beats hitting my ear drums over and over again but I'm not really listening I slip away into some alter ego character and I watch infinitely as she enjoys her life as I go farther away from my own world, my brain, my home. did I ever have one in the first place? a warm happy home No, no I didn't so I thought to create one. One with love and care... warmth that's all I want but it got boring. So her ran head first into the storm and now she's taken over me. and I go numb as I infinitely watch as she enjoys her life as I slip away. I'm a shell now not of who I used to be or even a shell of her I am just eyes watching inside and out. I shall sleep forever, lost in the valley of her world unable to let go of her of this mysterious girl who I can't throw away
I wrote this little "poem" out of frustration after a particularly depressing day of dissociating and just wanting what wasn't mine.
The poem it self is about how I created this character for a story that I was writing who just had a good life with a good and happy family