1. The biggest tree exists to neither swing nor sway, doesn’t wait for a strong wind to emancipate it from roots, to be turned into freedom papers to be torn up by the master.
The swing was created by the master, to exist until the limb snaps and the sway of blood to earth arises in a song of liberation, that listens for the river, follows the stream of scars flowing down that no slave can ever escape or runaway from.
The river casts her gently onto the banks. She vomits its water onto the soil fearful the scent will call the bloodhounds, the white man’s brown and black animal bred to hunt the runaway slave. She huddles and shivers in the rain.
She recalls her master’s words: “Having a favorite slave is like having a favorite pig. One day you will have to sell it, eat it and forgets it’s name.”
Which is the greater sin against God, she wonders, suicide or slavery?
She feels the rising sun filtering through her fingers in front of her and knows she will walk alone 100 miles to freedom. The good friend of the slave: The Angel of Death is at her back.
She will go underground and her enemies will call her Moses.
She will cast Araminta Ross, her old slave name, onto the waters. Harriet Tubman will be forever her free one. Her adopted children will not be born into the stink of fear and running for their lives.
3. She falls into a God spell that allows her to find a way for every black soul to forge the river, make each crossing a baptism.
She now knows that freedom means losing love but finding your greater cause, that the price of freedom is watching people die, watching people live and breathe unbounded air.