How dark is the sun when you hide you’re smile , and the leaves have turned yellow , and fall in you’re path as you walk on by . The grave yard stones have all shifted not to get in you’re way , for even they have seen a happier day .
The seas are all angry their boats tossed like toys , Persidens. arms are lifted as a child in his bath tub , finds soap in his eyes .
My heart trembles within me and seeks only rest , as dark clouds gather and rain falls on you’re breast .
Even the stars i named when the clouds had all gone , have left the heavens , for even they know something is wrong . For even King Johns smile when counting his gold , has nothing to you’re frown when all is told !
But when you smile , like crimson the stars , the sun beams out on sunflower meadows and brings light to you’re charms . The trees find their colours all green not turning red , and the grave yards lay empty as no one lies dead . The seas are as quiet as a mill pond in spring , for no one has ever seen such a daintier thing . And my heart now rejoices for you’re tears have all gone . How lovely the millar who burst out in song .
And yes I still love you what ever you’re refrain , and if that grave yard should ever find a happier soul , I would gladly join you , so you will never feel old again .