We are all losers here All losers you will find Whether library books or our good looks We all lose things over time
When we're tiny we lose our teeth Then again when we get old Some memory, others sanity But with those aren't you always the last one to know
Some lose their sense of direction Some their sense of time Some just lose their sense Which gets back to that memory and sanity line
And what about your sense of humor Can you lose that or does it just get odd Ask my friends and their friends family I'm sure they'll all agree with a Bobble-Head nod
The older you get, loss of the eyesight you had Helps to hide the ugly in life As the hair on your head loses the grip that it had When into the shower drain it does a high dive
So my guess is yes we're all losers in life From beginning to the end Then when all that is left is a date with death We'll be losers once again