Coffee colored crayons next to creamy colored mugs Coffee shop delights and simple demonic insights. I inquire on them both: How dare the simple innocence of a child sipping cocoa Disrupt emotions vividly to lead into insanity..- Simplicity. Eventually we all crack-don’t you see? Cocoa turns to ash, And child into druggie trash Don’t you see? We all Crack; Crash; Smash and Bash- Our sanity is fragile like glass And it’s mallet is simply time. Don’t you see?? It’s simply- Simplicity We all Crack; Crash; Burn. The blood inside our hearts- Now our veins, Now our arms. The blood inside our hearts moves until a force stops it. Taking pill to mouth, finger to bottle, pill to mouth. Again. Again. Stop it- The insight into the truth is getting harder and harder to swallow. Now take a walk down the block of gravel and rock The clock ticks down your time. You aspire to be no more, I see- Well, others aspire to see. To speak. To even breathe again. Your freedom is hitting the end of it’s road; Mallet of time cracks the clock- You fall. People mourn a death, the break in time. But little do they hear their own TICK. We ALL Crack; Crash and Burn. --------------------------------------------------------------------------Another one! Dedicated to Cat. I’ll find you again, friend. I promise. Thank you.