Somewhere, I heard or read, That you shouldn’t speak ill of the dead Now that, that has been said, And al-Baghdadi is a trophy head Before he set off the suicide blast There’s something I just have to ask Did he actually whimper and cry At the thought he was going to die?
But, that said, in any case The world’s a much better place Just to put the matter to bed, With the erstwhile Kalifah dead The President has bragging rights For putting out that leader’s lights But the backlash his words will insite Will only cause ISIS tp ignite
And much to our collective regret, The thing we must never forget Or, would be ill advised to ignore That we have killed others before Their names wouldn’t fit a marquee And while that well may be Their movements have endured Because they’re of one accord
They still want to take down the West By now, in case you haven’t guessed So this is the logical deduction They’re committed to our destruction I hope that you’re following me They have a warped ideology That has nothing to do with Islam Those who claim so are doomed to be ******