if only they knew of how we spend our days; stealing everlasting dandelions from the moist earth soil of the meadow, making wishes on their tiny little frollocks of magic and watching them blow endlessly in the earth's forgiving breath.
if only they knew of the times we escaped to the beach, running frantically through the rough grains of sand and tangled seaweed, through the ongoing depths of the ocean and into the earth's burning core.
if only they knew of how we hid silently beneath the shadows of unguarded areas; of how we'd go there whenever things got tough or just wanted to get away from it all.
if only they knew of all the places you've explored on the adventures of my own body; how your fingertips, cold and endless, discovered my thighs, how your warm palms led to my *******, how your gentle lips found their way to mine.
if only they knew the secrets we shared among the both of us.