Shielding the devil whilst angels fall in decay herding sheep to certain peril with haste, to no delay
how many voices would it take then o' vile serpent leading the world to Hell one giant machine full of robots? nay human life you so oppress viewed as migrant pigeons scouring the wasteland for bread crumbs well murderous fiend, you sir starved wolves do turn the ones with knowledge of your sacrilege they do devour I pray to be the pack leader one day I pray
the "protect HA PROTECT sorry "protect Monsanto Act" was signed. Protecting them from law suit or harm from their vile actions and blatant experimentation upon the human race without their knowledge. How can we protect ourselves when such laws are passed silently unaware and we cannot defend! IT is illegal not to label GMO garbage in Europe but here in the U.S the number one producer of GMO food it is not and they have put forth millions them and other companies to see that it does not happen. So no right to know if our food is tainted and no right to defend ourselves once poisoned...This is one of many issues this poem is directed at and I am just sick at the way life is treated by those in power. Everything about the system has got to stop and it has to now or we are headed for a ***** that will see us all fall with the evil corrupt *******.