They label you a mad man if you stare at a can They label you dumb if your thoughts are numb To society where it's a incomplete conundrums Dancing satellites happy people prancing around silently See there brittle souls slowly unfold and withold The greatest gift of all it's not love much more above Than that the have the decency of a sneaking rat Waiting for the right moment to steal your joy Energy vampires ******* life out of even the lifeless Even the corpses are breakin'out of their graves Bravery is proclaimed by cowardiness Shame is praised for happiness sun kissed Sand glistening don't mistake it mother nature is listening The violent winds are painting the trends violins A tune that only the most conscious can hear The ears twitches to the stroke of the rhythm The waves clashing showing temper and anger Giving signs of early danger but we are stranger As all outdoors enjoying life playing a decoy Technology is the new ology humanities treachery Love thy neighbor and covet thy wives lives Are rather thrown at us not by our instrospectives But by our local government and politicians who are selectors Molding us into a sinister creation Parks build but no one is filled or skilled anymore Kids play games rather than scoup up sand with their cupped hands And watch it til its very last grain damaging stains Is this all in my head or from chaos i see daily read I see a field view of the ponds trying to play King But we are at checkmate waiting for our freedom bells from liberty to rings But know our biggest achievements will be when we touch the cemetery And thats what matters the most because the genius at hand is often the ghost host