All I feel is remorse and a longing for my wasted and undeveloped, malnourished potential for the arts. How I long to write, spilling my thoughts and words onto beckoning sheets of blank paper. How I wish I could draw and outline, bringing to life scenes, memories, and figments of my imagination in which I always envision and depict myself as a more vivid and entrancing individual. I feel completely isolated and pathetic, unable to connect the dots, trampled on by the success and the never ending bits of small and large investments of effort that my peers have the potential to conjure up, while I writhe and struggle with just forcing myself to face the responsibilities and challenges, only to find myself crawling into bed every night having accomplished nothing. I feel starved of life and companionship, as I look around and see others who I might’ve longed to be friends with, brush past me without a glimpse or a moment of hesitation, as if I were a humanless shadow in their path that formed out of nowhere. The more time that passes by, the more I feel myself slipping away. Unable to think, unable to speak coherently in the sense of complete honesty, I can only dream of a world in which my journey aligns with the stars of my dreams.