I'm so tired So, so tired So I'm going back to this style One long sentence Way too messy To truly be Much of anything It's all I have Right now
I don't know What to do About you As much as I want you I know Oh how I know That there's nothing out there There's nothing for us There's nothing in me That matches up To your missing Puzzle piece
Maybe that's it You aren't missing anything Well I'm missing lots Missing someone With whom I can truly talk I've never truly had someone I haven't even Really come close But I can dream And I do Just not of you
It's our music tastes I suppose I spend way too much time Searching Spotify For new music A new playlist Every week And you're happy Right where you are Sixteen artists You didn't get very far But you're happy Or, at least Content enough to stay Where you are Maybe you're too scared to move I get that too Just not with music
I'm never done searching For who I could be Maybe I'll never finish I'll just roam forever Growing and changing Shapeshifting Never the same From day to day There'll be No sense of consistency Maybe that's what you need
I can't read minds But I can read And from what I can see We're different