Dealing so much with figurative language, I cannot help but notice how many people restrict themselves to either Mythos or Logos. Myth or Logic. Symbol or Reason. Yin or Yang.
Firefox, by default, doesn't even recognize that Mythos is a word:
Mythos- The aspect of the mind concerning itself with the figurative, the abstract; implications, symbolism and interpretation. Passive. 'Relative'. Yin.
Logos - The aspect of the mind concerning itself with reason, proof, tangibility and fact. Active. 'Absolute'. Yang.
It is of utmost importance to take both with a grain of salt. It is of equal importance to ponder both for what they are worth.
Mythos seeks not to always be correct; but to make one think what is right and true within one's self. Logos seeks to be accurate. To describe, define, calculate, forecast, and replicate the physical.
Most are biased towards one and away from the other; it is impossible to have a balanced existence if you embrace one and deny the other:
If one fails to respect duality, duality will tear one in twain.
The path to salvation is comprised of both of these styles of thought: To seek only one is to condemn oneself to Autosegragationistic Social Darwinianism.