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Dec 2019
December 12th, 2018: 9:12 am

An explanation of 4th dimensional locomotion, with descriptions of dimensional vector mapping, charting, and orientation.

4th dimensional travel cannot be willfully achieved without first describing the additional directions in which such movement occurs. I call them: variance, ordination, relevance, orientation.

September 24, 2019 2:34am
Revised December 20, 2019 10:46am

The primary direction, and easiest to understand of these, is ordination. This is the causal stream of the current timeline in which you occupy, forwards and backwards, linearly. Relevance is movement through the infinity of possibility of the exact moment in time in the current stream: whereas ordination could be seen as forward and backward movement, relevance would be the equivalent lateral movement through the current point in the timeline. Variance is the up-and-downstream result of minute changes in the timeline, potentially resulting in wildly varying timelines: think of it as moving through all possibilities of a single point. Orientation describes the point of focus upon which you attach and follow through the infinitum, in effect the anchor point through which you calculate your variance, ordination, and relevance. By changing your orientation you anchor a point solidifying its possibility and expose a new infinity. Each orientation is pursuant to its own universal construction.
T R Wingfield
Written by
T R Wingfield  40/M/Deep in the Heart'o'Dixie
(40/M/Deep in the Heart'o'Dixie)   
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