I want to turn back the hands of time ****** the founding fathers of pain Let her dream dreams the induce diabetes Remove the scars that never fade Mend the brokeness in every heart I just dont want to see her feel pain Or see the tears in her eyes She is too young for this How do you expect her to survive In a world intent on killing her I want to turn back the hands of time ****** the founding fathers of heartbreak To keep her alive To keep her head up high And look at the world In an optimistic way I am tired of her tears The constant fear That she will amount to nothing She wonders if she is enough She hopes for a friend With outstretched arms of comfort With shoulders soft but strong So she can find sanctuary and solace I want to turn back the hands of time ****** the founding fathers of hope Because every night she hopes That in the morning her sorrow will be gone She hopes for that knight in shining armor To take her far beyond the castle walls To break the shackles of poverty Guide her into the land of the prosperity Heal the wounds that still bleed Her hopes are what **** her everyday Does no one care Can anyone but me see That her pain, her broken heart, her hopes Have been slowly killing her For quite some time now Somebody help her Somebody save her I cant do it I am not strong enough No prince charming Im just trying to find a way To turn back the hands of time And ****** the founding fathers Of everything that has been the reason She contemplates suicide every night Because I love her Not romantically But in a way not many could understand