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Sep 2019
I want to stay with you forever
on top of the balcony, the moon’s
starry light shining on our glistening
flesh, the flowers and palm trees
swirling in the breeze, over the mouth
of the oceanfront, lovely seabirds,
flapping the luminescent wings
in the waves, their smooth-textured
bodies a dream enchantment, a melodic
tune in seamless synchronicity
with the stars.  I want to stay
in your arms, feel the angles
of your geometry mesh
with my trigonometry, your sleek
cheeks and lips full of dark desires,
the branches of your thighs and ankles
blending in with mine, the skies of time
traveling within our inventions, listening
To your deep voice surface the air,
inhaling your breath, every exuberant
sound, your invigorating scent seeping
through me, transforming every artistic
creation within my existence into brilliant
monuments.  To feel alive in your escape,
drifting in the mazes of passionate phases,
blissful spaces, your captivating portal
transporting me into dashing Saturn,
splashing Venus, rocking Jupiter, holding
onto me throughout the night, as I gaze
at your dark brown eyes, wanting to glide
inside your crowned heavens, wanting
to spend the rest of my life by your side.
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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