What’s it about her That keeps you from snoring And drawing conclusions Whenever she removes Her masks and her make up All of our taste buds get used This is probably worth exploring And our talents are also worthy When at last we have excelled At all our entangled entitlements So now it's time to begin The undeniable silence There’s nothing to it Except the collapse of the entire world It shatters all meaning And opens new doors of connection Were you expecting something else A holy renaissance perhaps Or some feeling of permanence Ha you are fooling yourself So go to sleep and wake up naked Never take it for granted That when you open your eyes The skies could be different And the sunrise could just Lie there like a fire that's gone cold We are older but never Bolder than this moment Everything is individual An antipathy of time Is right here in our mind For millions of years We have already formed our next life Covered in gold we are never As dead as you’d like us to be He who fears the unconscious Fears all eternity And whoever makes themselves A tyrant never earns freedom