I shall not cry, I shall not weep Lest my tears wake the world from sleep Under the peaceful starry sky With the Moon smiling on high
I shall not cry, I shall not weep Lest tears should fall in a heap And turn my room to water If that were to happen other people would be smarter
I shall not cry, I shall not weep Lest I should wake this world from sleep And they would ask me "why?" I so loudly cry
I shall not cry, I shall not weep Lest my tears should fall in a heap But if I would they would turn to a lovely Jade That my salty tears would have made.
I am not sad or depressed I was just inspired by Neva Flores poem: "Tears Cry Tears Of Their Own" to write this! So, thank you for your inspiration, Neva, my dear friend!! <3<3