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Mar 2013
Soon you'll leave
And I'll just believe,
That day dreams
Have engulfed me
Died long ago
And this story just deems
To repeat what I know
Is the next twist
The next ahhh
Even if you insist
On what's magical Ta-daa,
No more the less real
Than what I feel;
Grip the sheets tighter
Feeling lighter and lighter,
Turn the lights down
All will be a nightmare
Once again return fare
Leaves nothing but a frown,
Middle of the road
Wandering moose
Fight to wake from this code
Hit the snooze
On death
Startled alive
Gasping for breath,
Sweat beading; dive
Under the shower,
I'll await you
Next season's new flower
Before the summer is due...
© okpoet
Nestor David Armas
Written by
Nestor David Armas  37/M/OC
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