All you say will be used against you and the perturbed miners dig in the purloiners stoked and give dinners and the maniacs devoted their lifelessness paying homage to accreditation warped watch a badge of honor on an anti-hero regressed mental as a laughing graced pondered the absurdity of man is it conceivable to live for three score years and more and under the neon pollution and madness of Mary's child and be bothered by voyeurism when clarity rules pristine mind Only robbers an lepers hide in caves and shadows where winds cries and the ridiculous read ridiculous news and leave doors open while the streets hawkers beg to sell their fears to the braves with generous helpings of ignorance that minds are alike some heathens with pitchforks and spears chew hay the modern day medievals with envious hearts the demos uprising of missing links amass sick minds long swept in mindless winds it is not the age of reasoning or light watch what you say to un-deads laughing is crying in here whispering is shouting and Gentleman Jack is your bride to be in this drama of ghosts where fools are sages